Where can I ship my parcel?

When you registered to receive the shipping label for your parcel, you might have been able to choose which carrier you use to send your package to us: DHL or DPD. This depends on the country. Some countries offer only one shipping company. Do you no longer know which carrier you should use to ship your parcel? Take a look at the shipping label in your email or log in to your customer portal and download the shipping label in the “my return shipments” tab.


Here below you can click on the link to find the nearest parcel drop-off location for your corresponding carrier. NB! These links are different for the different countries, so make sure you click the right link.


Lastly, we have 2 little tips for you 😊

Tip 1: The DHL and DPD parcel points are often near your favorite supermarket. Place the parcel in your shopping bag so it is ready to be taken to the parcel point.

Tip 2: Are you taking the car to drive to your parcel point, why not allready place the parcel in your car?