At RecycleClub we believe in a circular society. One where recycling is the norm, instead of throwing away. That is why we are committed to recycling empty inkjet cartridges, which would otherwise end up on big mountains of waste or in incinerators. A huge waste, because making a cartridge costs petroleum – an extremely scarce raw material. There is no point in simply burning a cartridge instead of using it two to three more times.
With your help, we contribute to a better environment for everyone. And everyone benefits! Not only do we limit waste and prevent new raw materials from being touched, we also offset our own CO2 emissions, we give you compensation for returning your (HP and Canon) cartridges and we can even support a good cause together. That is the power of circularity.
Returning your ink cartridges: better for the environment
The ink cartridges you have returned to us come back as remanufactured, CO2-neutral cartridges under the ink brand RecycleClub. We extend the lifespan of these ink cartridges. This means that fewer new ink cartridges need to be produced, which saves CO2 emissions. We also work with central distribution centres to limit the number of transports. We are also economical with the water we use to clean collected cartridges.